
NodeSchool and Open Projects on Bainbridge Island, Washington
Meetup Information
NodeSchool & Open Project Space
We schedule meetups 1-2 weeks in advance.

Come visit us for NodeSchool and Open Projects! Please come to work on your existing projects, new projects, or learn JavaScript and Programming through NodeSchool Workshops!


Local and Open
Our meetings occur on the Island, in local spaces, with notes published in our GitHub repository. Want to learn more? Please post any questions you have about meetings, workshops, or code in the issues section of our repo.


The Node/IO.js community is one of the most open and embracing open source communities in the world. We invite all persons that have any interest in JavaScript, Programming and making the world a better place through open source to participate in IslandJS as a teacher, proctor or student!


Bring your Laptop
NodeSchool classes happen right in your own terminal and your own local browser. When you want to come to NodeSchool, you need a laptop to start! Please bring one with Node.js installed. Need help? Just take a look at the links below.